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Recently a group of Holy College ex-students and friends, moved by the current 125th Year Celebrations and their love of church music, formed a committee to investigate the possibility of acquiring a quality church organ to enhance the College Chapel. The organ would be a gift from ex-students and friends to the College to mark in a special way the 125 years of the College. It would enhance liturgical celebrations and also provide a very special opportunity to train young organists and be an extraordinary asset to the College’s Music Department.


You are invited to consider supporting this venture. It may be that you share the Committee’s hopes and aspirations and wish to be involved. All donations will be tax deductible.

The instrument is a three manual, thirty-eight stop Allen Organ (List of Stops). It is an exceptionally versatile instrument offering a broad range of educational opportunities for students, allowing them to discover and develop new skills as well as to gain an insight into the rich world of organ music, both sacred and secular. It is anticipated the Allen organ will be working superbly for another 75 years or more – and perhaps play a significant part in celebrating Holy Cross College’s 200th Anniversary.

Chapel Organ Fund:

Donations to the Chapel Organ Fund are eagerly sought. For further information or to donate an Organ Rank or Part Rank (see below) please contact:


John Edwards at


Donate one of 38 Organ Ranks: $1280

[Name recorded on Brass Plate in Chapel]

Donate Part of an Organ Rank: $640, $320, $160, $80 or $40

[Name recorded in Book of Donors]

All donations are Tax Deductible.

John Edwards

Secretary, Chapel Organ Fund


m. 0488 585 297

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